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Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Dakota Culture for Future Generations

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Mendota Mdewakanton Newsletter

War in Virginia and U.S. against Native Americans

Barry Carter

There is a war going in the state of Virginia and the United States against Native Americans.    Virginia is on the front lines of this war and Prince William county is the front lines in VA.

There are 70,000 Native Americans under attack as I write.

In 2008 over two dozen anti-Native American bills were passed by the Virginia State legislature.

Gaudencio Fernandez, is a Native American and U.S. citizen, who put up a sign

on his private property expressing his views as a Native American.  He

is being persecuted by the town of Manasses and Prince William County .

Right wing racist are up in arms because of the message of truth in

Gaudencio's sign and have prodded town and county officials to take

action (as can be seen from the debate on this website in Prince William

county:  http://www.bvbl. net/index. php/2008/ 03/25/mexicans-

without-borders- defaces-manassas -again/


.  The town of Manassas sent Gaudencio a letter several weeks ago

telling him that he must remove the sign or face court action.  Last Friday

June 20, 2008 police came to his house with an  arrest warrant.  On July

8, he must go to court and is being prosecuted for not removing his


We must all remember that Turtle Island covers all of the area from the

tip of south America to the tip of Alaska , and thus Indigenous people

from anywhere on Turtle   Island are Native American.  We never agreed to

any borders imposed by Europeans, thus the "illegal immigration" issue

is actually an indigenous rights and human rights issue.  What has

been created with illegally drawn borders on our land, is an apartheid

system.  The vast majority of people on Turtle Island are Native American

(600 to 700 million).  There are  perhaps 200 million white people and

perhaps 50 million black people.   Turtle Island is and has always been a

majority Native American (Indian) continent.  The laws and borders and

brainwashing have us convinced that we are a minority in our own

homeland, when in fact, we, by far, are the majority on Turtle Island .

Identity  genocide, where we are classified as something other than Native

American, is part of the brainwashing (colored, mulatto, mestizo,

Hispanic, Latino, Black, Negro, White) and effort to keep our numbers low and

to keep us disempowered.  Illegal Borders and illegal laws and false

labels have been used for 500 years to keep us divided, conquered and

powerless on our on land.  In 1714 our Siouan people in VA were illegal

aliens North of the James River border, without a pass from the  white

people.  By 1830 we Indians were illegal aliens east of the Mississippi .

During the 1800's we were illegal aliens, in the west, when we left

our reservations without a pass.  Now our numbers above the Rio Grande

have been reduced, through physical and identity genocide, to the point

where we are no longer a threat, so we are free to go as we please.

However, the hundreds of millions of Native Americans below the illegal

border are a threat to the apartheid minority-white- rule system on

Turtle Island .  Hence, the same people who said, "tear down that wall" in

Europe are building a wall on Turtle Island to maintain a minority rule

society on our homelands.

The apartheid system now on Turtle Island , works exactly the same as

that of South Africa .  Most native people are kept out of the majority

white area (the U.S. and Canada ) and allowed in for menial labor, with

temporary work passes.  It is illegal for the majority of natives to  come

and go as they please in their home land of Turtle Island .  Since 1492

Native Americans never agreed to any border at the Rio Grande river

and thus this border is not binding on us.  The borders (apartheid

system) is what keeps the majority native population powerless in our own

home lands.  Our prophecies have stated for centuries that  Native

Americans would return to this part of Turtle Island and now they are here.

What we are seeing with the laws being passed and enforced in VA, against

our brothers and sisters, is the Indian Removal acts of 2008 and the

continuation of 500 years of genocide.  What we are see with Gaudencio

Fernandez is no different that what our people have faced for 500 years.

And  for 500 years we have allowed others to divide and conquer us

with false labels, borders, brainwashing and pitting us against one

another.  It is time for the 600 to 700 millions Native Americans on Turtle

Island to united, to come together, and take the lead in bringing peace,

abundance, balance, justice and environmental harmony to our

continent.  We are NOT against white people.  We desire living in peace and

harmony, however, we will no longer tolerate the divide and  conquer

manipulation that keeps us powerless and beggars for crumbs from the table of

the dominate culture in our own land.  How is it possible that we have

brought into the greatest con-game in history where the illegal

immigrants have become the natives and the natives are now the illegal


Gaudencio needs a free speech attorney who is willing to take this all

of the way to the supreme  court if necessary.  If you know of anyone

please email me.  We are putting on a nationwide, continent wide and

world wide public relations campaign to bring justice for Gaudencio

Fernandez-a Native American of courage and honor who dared say, "the emperor

has no clothes".  Please fax or send letters, send emails, call and

demand justice for Freedom of Speech for all U.S. citizens including

Gaudencio  Fernandez and to end the 500 year old genocidal process of our

people, that Manassas and Prince William County now leads, with proposition

287g, which forces local police to work with ICE to force relocate

Native Americans from Manassas and Prince William County .

Barry Carter

www.indigenousway. net

"Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings,

and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the

Purifier. They will survive and build the new world." Hopi Prophecy.