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Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community

Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Dakota Culture for Future Generations

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Mendota Mdewakanton Newsletter

Wanbdi Ho’ta Waste emankiyepi do, nakun Damakota

“Wanbdi Ho’ta Waste emankiyepi do, nakun Damakota”

(I am called Grey Good Eagle, and I am a Dakota)

“Mitakuye Owasin”

(All My Relations)


Dated: March 27, 2022

My GGG – Grandfather Michel LeMay was born in Lotbinere, Quebec (New Canada) October 21, 1805 and his wife Marie Palagie Monfette was born January 8, 1812. They were married in January 8, 1828. They had the following 8 boys and 4 girls:

Flavianne LeMay                                              1828 –

Joseph Octave LeMay                                    1829 – 1892

Edward LeMay                                                  1831 –

Julia LeMay                                                        1833 –

Ferdinand LeMay                                             1835 – 1921

Louis Phillips LeMay                                        1839 – 1912

Phillan LeMay                                                    1841 – 1912

Napoleon LeMay                                              1843 – 1901

Mathias LeMay                                                 1844 – 1896

Victisine LeMay                                                1846 – 1911

Esdras LeMay                                                    1848 – 1849

Celina LeMay                                                     1852 – 1922


My GG – Grandfather Napoleon LeMay was born in Lotbinere, Quebec, (New Canada) May 1843 and his 1st wife Ellen Turpin was born June 6,1850. They were married in Mendota, MN in 1866. They had the following 1 boy and 3 girls:

Mary Melvina LeMay                                      1868 – 1942

Virginia LeMay                                                  1869 – 1923

Albert Louis LeMay                                          1871 – 1952

Alta Madeline LeMay                                     1884 –


2nd wife Justine Robilliard was born 1836 North Dakota and died 1898 North Dakota. They were married 1889 and Justine had 3 boys and 3 girls before there marriage.


3rd wife Elise Morin was born 1863 North Dakota and died 1939 MT. They were married 1897 in North Dakota and they had the following 1 boy and 1 girl:

Flora C. LeMay                                  1898 –

Frederick Louis LeMay                   1900 – 1975


My G – Grandfather Albert Louis LeMay was born June 26, 1871 Mendota, MN and died International Falls, MN 4/29/1952. His wife Marie Margaret Villeneuve/Vilneif born January 18, 1877 MN and died May 22, 1940 Koochiching, MN. They were married in ND in 1892. They had the following 6 boys and 9 girls:

Mary Evangeline LeMay (McClanahan)                                   Born: 1890                           Died: 1958

Rosie LeMay (Ledioux)                                                                  Born: 1892                           Died: 1957

Lena Angeline LeMay (Williams)                                                Born: 1895                           Died: 1958

Fred LeMay                                                                                        Born: 1896                           Died: 1975

Philbert Louis LeMay                                                                      Born: 1897                           Died: 1980

Mildred LeMay (Resser)                                                                Born: 1899                           Died: 1972

Frank Napoleon LeMay                                                                 Born: 1901                           Died: 1978

Leo Oren LeMay                                                                               Born: 1904                           Died: 1979

Clemence Joseph LeMay                                                              Born: 1905                           Died: 1981

Olive LeMay (Turcotte)                                                                  Born: 1907                           Died: 1968

Marie LeMay (Jamieson/Lawrence)                                         Born: 1911                           Died: 1989

Eugene David LeMay                                                                      Born: 1913                           Died: 1972

Irene LeMay (Long)                                                                         Born: 1915                           Died: 2004

Lucille LeMay (Simmons)                                                              Born: 1918                           Died: 1996

Bernice Blanche LeMay (Merrill)                                                Born: 1921                           Died: 2008

Descendancy of Chevalier, LeMay & Turpin

I have researched with the following:

Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan (CANADA – 1620 to present)

Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community / Mendota, MN (1845 to present)

Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes / Poplar, MT (1900 to present)

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa / Belcourt, ND (1892 to 1934)


The family lived in New Canada until moving to Minnesota (Dakota Territory) in 1845 and ended up settling in Mendota/Eagan. In 1887 many Minnesota Dakota’s & Half Bloods families moved to North Dakota and a few moved to Montana to be with family.

During the Civil War two brothers joined the US Army in Eagan, MN in 1862 thru 1864 and another brother was in from 1862 thru 1867.

Many of my ancestors where massacred by the US Army for being Half-Breeds or Dakota Indians.

On December 26, 1862 the President Abraham Lincoln sent a congressional order to Brigadier General H. H. Sibley and approved death sentences for 39 Dakota men to be hung.