The Martha Fast Horse Show
Sunday, February 1st, 2009
@ 6:00 a.m.
Featured Song
My First Taste of Rosebud
Tezjon “Sugar” Duysak
Special Guests
Lucinda Shields-Ellert, Community Organizer & Lakota Elder (Sicangu Lakota)
Todd Fast Horse, Chairperson of Rosebud Community (2007-2008)
Clara Niiska, Editor of Native American Press/Ojibwe News (2001-2003),
and Co-host of KFAI’s Indian Uprising (Red Lake Ojibwe)
(Part 2 of 2)
This weeks show focuses on the issues of tribal corruption, dictatorship government, abuse of power, blanket nepotism, and the human rights and civil rights violations of enrolled members of the Rosebud Community of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, a sovereign nation within the Unitied States. We discussed the problems, brainstormed and searched our souls for proactive, positive solutions to these all too familiar problems occurring on federally recognized Indian reservations in America today. We asked ourselves what brought us to this point and how can we move forward to heal our tribal communities from historical and inter-generational trauma. Equal time has been extended to anyone wishing to express an opposing viewpoint.
Contact: Martha Fast Horse 612.619.6797
Thank You
Justin Severson, Tom Colvin, Citadel Broadcasting,
and The Institute of Production & Recording (IPR)
Contact Information
A 1/2 hr Public & Cultural Affairs Program of Citadel Broadcasting – Minneapolis
Sunday Mornings @ 6:00 a.m. KQRS 92.5 FM, KXXR 93X 93.7 FM, WGVX Love 105 FM