MMDTC LOGO Mendota Dakota

Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community

Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Dakota Culture for Future Generations

The MMDTC is a Tribal 501C3 Org

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Mendota Mdewakanton Newsletter

Please help support us and read what is going on with the MNHS and Mendota Community.

We are asking for support:

Why does Mendota have to prove who we are over and over and over for almost 25 years.

It hurts my soul that some people don’t think Mendota Community matters. This what we were told.

  1. Our ancestors did not suffer enough WHAT.
  2. Our community is to small so we don’t matter, we have 145 active members most are Lineal Descendants that come from Cetanwakanmani, Big Thunder is his son, Little Crow from the 1862 upraising is his grandson. So don’t tell us who we are, we know who we are. We are Dakota and proud of who we are.
  3. We also have 60 honorary members, if you want to become an honorary member go to our website look under Download you will find it there.
  4. Look under ABOUT on our website to see our history.
  5. We don’t matter because we don’t have Federal Recognition. WHAT
  6. We can’t let white people in our Inipi WHAT.
  7. I thought we as natives believed in the 4 colors of man
  8. We were told we needed to take our Inipi down, I said over my dead body.
  9. Why did the MNHS go to other Dakota people and not the Dakotas in Mendota we have been in Mendota forever this is our home land. We can go back the 1760 for now. We need to do more research to go back even more.

I could go on as how the MNHS and DCC feels about us and is treating us

Mendota needs an apology and respect.

Mendota is trying to get our ancestors home back to the Mendota Community, we are descendants of Hypolite DuPuis & Angelique Renville. What a perfect place for our Community Center / Interpretive Center.

Hypolite DuPuis & Angelique Renville are waiting for that to happen to bring the family all together again. The DuPuis familes would be well come as they are family too.

We would share with the MNHS, and any other groups that meet at the DuPuis House, any events MNHS has. The only thing would be Mendota Community / Interpretive Center would be in charge not the MNHS. We could do so much for the Mendota area, for the indigenous people. If you come to Mendota there is NOTHING indigenous except Mendota small office. Mendota is a  historical and sacred land to the Dakota people. And I see nothing about the Dakota people who lived here, and that is shameful, lets change that. We hope that the State of Minnesota donates the Dupuis house back to us. After all the Daughter of the American Revolution donated it to the State of MN, the State has many other historical house. You could donate our ancestor home back to us. THAT WOULD BE A GOOD GESTURE.

We think of Mendota as our reservation. We don’t need a group to come to Mendota and tell us what to do, because that won’t happen. We can work together, but NOT be told what to do.

As Mr. Minish said it was time the truth comes out, he is our hero.

Thank you Bob for all your help and letting us know what people were trying to do behind our backs, our own Dakota people.

Please go to our website if you want to read more.

I don’t want to put their names on face book for now.

But we have some documents for people to see on our site.

If this is not discrimination what is.

My heart is so full of anger right now, so very sad & hurt, we have worked so hard in almost 25 years to get to where we are today.

Even after all is said and done we will forgive those who are disrespecting the Mendota Community.

I know a little on how our ancestors must have felt when the whites and natives were against them because they were considered the friendly in 1862 & 1863 doing and after the U.S. Dakota War.

Just getting my thoughts out and venting. Love you all who came to check our and support us.

Pidamaya ye

Mitakuye Oyasin (We Are All Related)

Good Thunder Woman

Wakiya Waste Win

Sharon Lennartson