>Minnesota Dakota Language Summit
>Prairie’s Edge Casino Resort, Granite Falls,
>Monday, October 20, 2008
>8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
>The Upper Sioux Community Board of Trustees has extended an invitation
>to all Minnesota Dakota Tribal Leaders to meet together for Dakota
>Language revitalization discussion.
>Interested individuals are welcome to attend!
>Please contact the Upper Sioux Community Tribal Office at (320) 564-3853
>to confirm your attendance.
>1.   Breakfast
>2.   Welcome-USC Chairman, Kevin Jensvold
>3.   Introductions
>4.   Loss and Location of Fluent Speakers
>5.   Concepts and Ideas
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rosetta Stone
>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Charles Thode-USC Dakota Language Project
>6.   Minnesota Legislation
>7.   Other
>8.   Adjournment
>Enjoy the little things in life!
>Sandra Berthelsen
>Upper Sioux Community – Board of Trustees
>Executive Office Manager
>2511 565th Street
>P.O. Box 147
>Granite Falls, MN 56241
>Phone: (320) 564-6331
>Fax:Â Â (320) 564-4482
>Email: sandrab@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov
>—–Original Message—–
>From: matonunpa@earthlink.net [mailto:matonunpa@earthlink.net]
>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 11:31 AM
>To: Sandra Berthelsen
>Subject: RE:
>Hi Sandy,
>  I can’t open it. So, yes, please send it out.
>—–Original Message—–
>>From: Sandra Berthelsen <sandrab@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov>
>>Sent: Oct 13, 2008 11:07 AM
>>To: matonunpa@earthlink.net
>>Subject: RE:
>>It is a Word document. Let me know if you need us to mail it out to you
>>Thank you!
>>Enjoy the little things in life!
>>Sandra Berthelsen
>>Upper Sioux Community – Board of Trustees Executive Office Manager
>>2511 565th Street
>>P.O. Box 147
>>Granite Falls, MN 56241
>>Phone: (320) 564-6331
>>Fax:Â Â (320) 564-4482
>>Email: sandrab@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov
>>—–Original Message—–
>>From: matonunpa@earthlink.net [mailto:matonunpa@earthlink.net]
>>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 11:06 AM
>>To: Sandra Berthelsen
>>Subject: Re:
>>Hi Sandy,
>>  For whatever reason, I cannot open this attachment. If it is a
>>Word document, then I can open it on my MacBook.
>>Â Â Thanks.
>>—–Original Message—–
>>>From: Sandra Berthelsen <sandrab@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov>
>>>Sent: Oct 13, 2008 11:00 AM
>>>To: ishna00@hotmail.com, mckay020@umn.edu, matonunpa@earthlink.net,
>>>Berta Bjerkeset <robertab@yme.k12.mn.us>, Helen Blue-Redner
>>><hredner@yme.k12.mn.us>, Waziyatawin <waziyatawin@gmail.com>
>>>Cc: Meri Jo Knutson <merijok@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov>
>>>The Upper Sioux Community would like to cordially invite you to the
>>>attached notice. If you have any language materials you would like to
>>>share, there will be a table at the Summit to place them on.
>>>We apologies for the short notice but would greatly appreciate your
>>>Thank you!
>>>Enjoy the little things in life!
>>>Sandra Berthelsen
>>>Upper Sioux Community – Board of Trustees Executive Office Manager
>>>2511 565th Street
>>>P.O. Box 147
>>>Granite Falls, MN 56241
>>>Phone: (320) 564-6331
>>>Fax:Â Â (320) 564-4482
>>>Email: sandrab@uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov