Eustache O-Mon-Dah-Gah-Ne-Nee Bellecourt my 3th grandfather.
1800’s Minnesota
Esutache Bellecourt is buried at St. Benedict’s Cemetery at White Earth, MN. His White Earth Ref. # is WE-75. He was noted as a Civil War Veteran. He signed the Agreement of 1889 at the age of 70 and was a Chippewa Indian of the Mississippi band.
Ransom Judd Powell states “Wesh Tash Bellecourt, who married Josette Turpin, was a half-brother of Omon Dah Gah Quaince at Red Lake. It is said that his father came from the direction of Pembina and became the father of Omon Dah Gah Quaince was from Red Lake.
He was a Frenchman and was called O mon dah gah ne nee by the Indians. That name seems to have been applied to a number of his descendants. Eustache was frequently called O mon dah gah ne neence.” Eustache Bellecourt was listed in the 1843 La Pointe payroll in the Crow Wing River band #1 under chief Pug-o-nay-ke-shig (Hole in the Day). Listed are 1 female and 2 children. Eustache and Josette Bellecourt lived near Fairbault, Minnesota at one time. They lived in Mendota for a while too.
Clyde Belcourt told me we have the same ggrandmother Marguerite / Margaret Bellcourt. Marguerite Felix Bellecourt is my mother Lilly Felix mother.