Looking for stories and pictures of your family’s in Mendota from 1800 – 1994.
Families in Mendota in the last 1800 – 1994.
Looking for stories and pictures of your family’s. We will pay you for your stories if we need them. These stories and pictures are for our Federal Recognition information to send in shortly. Get out those old pictures of you grandparents, ggrandparents, gggrandparents, auntie, uncles, cousins etc. Stories you heard as a kid growing up in Mendota or elsewhere. Anything that show us in Mendota as a community. Native American people have been in this area for thousands of years. Especially from the 1800 – 1994, anything after 1994 we have. Please share this with the Mendota people. We have been in Mendota for thousands of years. WHY do we have to prove it over and over again?
Felix, LeClaire, Renville, DuPuis, Fernier, Turpin, Bellecourt, Robinette, Campbell, Lemay, LaCroix, LaBatte,
Newcomb, Perron, Leith, Sherry, Auge, Faribault, Cermak, Crooks, DuFour.
Many of these families, not all are descendants of Chief Cetanwakanmani, or Chief Wabasha 1,2,3. Most everyone in the Mendota Community is related to a chief in one family or another.
Many of these names are spell different ways, especially LeClaires.
Like LeClaire, LaClaire, Le Cleru, etc.
If you would like to be a member of the Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community, please look at our website. www.mendotadakota.com download the application to see if you can be a member. There is no blood quantum to become a member. We are all related and that is so true.
Just a question I have as Tribal Chairwoman for Mendota.
Why haven’t other Dakota Tribes help us in over 26 years, you are my people and blood, where are you? Why are you not helping Mendota people, what have we done that you don’t help us? We need help from our people, to help us get state or federal recognition like all the other tribes. Our most important issue is a community center and land.
Mendota has nothing but a tiny office in Mendota that we rent. We may have to move soon where do we go?
Donation are needed. Please write on your check what your donation is for. Love Sharon