Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community

Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Dakota Culture for Future Generations

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Mendota Mdewakanton Newsletter

Letter from Carl Leith about assisting MMDTC with Federal Acknowledgment

Hello, my name is Carl Leith

I’ve volunteered to help The Mendota Community attain Federal Acknowledgement.

I have been working with Perry Altendorfer, Mendota Historian

We’ve been meeting about every other Tuesday, for more than 6 months now

In that time the Dept. Of Interior has changed the rules and regulations for recognition.. Btw it’s no longer called federal recognition, now it’s called acknowledgement

Prior to contacting the Mendota Council, I did my own research

This research kept bringing me back to Mendota

My Family descends from Chief Wakute (Redwing)

My father Chris Leith

Grandfather Walter Leith(b.Grey Cloud Island)

Great-Grandmother Sarah (Dow) Leith(Grey Cloud Island, later at Lower Sioux)

Grandmother Cora(Lawrence)Leith

Great-Grandmother Agnes(Frazier)Lawrence

Great-Grandfather Frank Lawerence(both at Egglestone,Goodhue Cty, Mn

Anges(Frazier)Lawrence, father was John Frazier

Mother Jennie Frazier, Ages was the youngest daughter

John Frazier’s Father was Joseph Jack Frazier

Joseph Jack Frazier’s Father was a Lt. James Frazier

Lt. James Frazier married Hazzadowin, daughter of Wakute(Redwing)


They are all on every Mdewakanton census ever compiled by any US agent

Last fall the Dept. of Interior changed the regulations for acknowledgment. A person no longer needs to prove descent from a person who signed an aboriginal treaty

But prove descent from a person just going to the 1900’s

I had in my research went back to Wakute

I went back a little further and found Joseph Jack Frazier with his son John on RG75/Roll M550 “the half breed Tract”

Did research on this RollM550

Found out most of these were children of the Traders and Half breed Traders

They had formed kinship ties with the Dakota Chiefs

These Chiefs had signed the aboriginal Treaties of the Mdewakanton Wahpahkute Ppl…Most were in the Employ of Henry Sibley-his first wife was Dakota

Lawrence Taliaferro married a daughter of Cloudman

Bernard W Brisbois – the Indian agent at Prairie du Chein

Married a daughter of Wabasha III

The list goes on and on..


Walter McLeod and his family

Faribault’s, Renvilles, Labattes,

James McLaughlin’s wife, Mary Buisson


I had contacted Sharon Lennartson, Mendota Tribal chair

If I can help with the acknowledgment

Mendota’s ’92? Application for recognition was returned shortly after the regulation changes…told to re-apply and “tweak” their application a litte bit


So we discussed how to do that

I looked at the membership requirements of the MMDTC constitution

To comply with the new regulations..

We should use Mdewakanton specific Rolls and Census’

Posted in the federal register regarding the Wolfchild I litigation

When they had the public meetings with the BIA, to discuss a plan for distribution

We should be using these lists

The DOI has said was acceptable

“(1) the 1886 McLeod Census

(2) The 1889 Henton Supplemental Census

(3) The 1917 McLaughlin Roll (with additional proof of Mdewakanton descent for persons appearing on that roll)

(4) Certificates assigning 1886 lands we now add to this list of probative documents:

(5) The Birch Cooley Censuses prepared by Robert Henton; and

(6) The 1899 roll prepared by Inspector McLaughlin. These additional rolls also were prepared at the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of determining eligibility under the Appropriations Acts.

(If link doesn’t work, try refreshing the page)


The 1917 McLaughlin Roll

This Roll, James McLaughlin had to investigate and find out who didn’t take part in the Dakota War

By Act of March 4h 1917 “An Act to Restore Treaty Annuities, as if the Act of Feb 16th never happened”

The authorities are contained with the 1917 Roll

Henton’s Roll of Birch Cooley and Pipestone Rolls consists of 2 separate Rolls

One for Full Bloods and another for mixed bloods


I would like to add JW Balmers 1934 Pipestone Base Roll

This roll contains ppl who were very young on the Half breed and Mixed blood M550 Roll

On the 1934 Pipestone Base Roll

They are very old now


More later..


I am

Carl Robert Leith




Would like more help on this project

Feel free to contact myself or Perry