Toys for kids ages 1-12 for girls and boys.
It would be nice for teens and elders could get gift cards too.
If you need toys for your son or daughter or grandbabies, please contact the Mendota tribal office with their ages with your written request asap 651-452-4141 or email us
Don’t forget the homeless we will have Tommy or Dave or Sharon bring them to the homeless.
Toys can be pickup no later then Dec 15th. Delivered
no later then Dec 12. Toys will not be given out the day of the party.
Bring the toys in bags, so kids don’t see them at the party. When the kids see the toys they want them now LOL.
Please do not wrap.
We do have a grabbag for kids under 10.
Please call the Mendota Tribal Office 651-452-4141 with any questions.
Please check out our website anytime.
You can also contact us on facebook.
Everyone is Welcome!!
The Mendota Tribal Council, John LeClaire, Greg Strandmark, Sharon Lennartson and it members.