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Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community

Preserving, Protecting and Promoting the Dakota Culture for Future Generations

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Beverly Mae Scott passed into the Spirit World Oct 5th, 2016. Memorial for her Nov 19th at the DuPuis House 1-5 POTLUCK

Beverly May Scott passed into the Spirit World Oct 5th, 2016. Memorial to be at the DuPuis House in Mendota November 19, 2019.

Beverly’s Memorial will be November 19th at the DuPuis House 1357 Sibley Memorial Hwy, Mendota, MN 55120 from 1-5 potluck! Inipi after for those of you who want to go in to the Inipi.

Beverly May Scott passed into the Spirit World Oct 5th, 2016. From her daughter Victoria Scott.

With a heavy and sad heart, I have to let you all know that my phenomenal momma went on her journey. We had a splendid day yesterday. Her sense of humor was still intact. She still enjoyed DWTS and the sexy professional male dancers last night. She wanted alfredo, Linda got that for her. She loved Stouffers mac & cheese too and she had that for dinner. She even took one tiny bite of my salad with dressing. Last night I tucked her blankets up around her face, so the new fluffy soft blanket i bought for her welcome home, would comfort her. My mom went with no pain, gracious as could be, gentle and peaceful. I miss her already. I can’t stop crying and I am weak with heartache. I have to believe she is at peace now.

She said, just before she passed last night, momma, momma, I’ll see your smiling face in the morning.”
I know she is with her momma and other relatives very soon. She will dance, teach and spread her wisdom as a proud Native warrior that she was. See you soon .”Good Sounding Bird.”

From her sister Sharon Lennartson

My older sister Beverly Scott, what an amazing woman. Beverly was 10 years older than me, she passed into the spirit world Oct 5, 2016. Beverly will be dearly missed by me, Victoria, Linda and many others. I really wanted to be with her when she passed, or at least see her one last time, but that’s not what the creator had in mind, I missed her passing by two days. Beverly took care of Linda and I, she basically raises us. Later on I had to take Linda everywhere I went LOL. Beverly took me for a bike ride and mother told her not to give me a ride as I may get hurt, but I kept crying until she gave in and gave me a ride, I did get hurt I put my feet in the spoke of the bike and over we both went, my big toe almost ripped off, the next thing I know we are off to general hospital, mother was so mad. Our mother made her take me everywhere she went. She was like my mother and sister in one. I always got my way with Beverly growing up We use to go on the rides at excelsior amusement park, and we would go on the roller coaster over and over again all day long and we never got sick. I always looked up to her. Until she got married and went to New York I was sad when she left who would take care of me like she did. She would say to me why did the creator give me this rare muscle disease what did I do in life. I would say I don’t know; you did not do anything wrong. Bev was always there when I had my 12 different surgeries. Now I’ve lost my two older sisters and my two orders brothers, Morris Brown and Bob Brown. Now there is only Linda and I left. Our mother came to get Beverly to bring her home. I know she is talking about her book and all the family is listening as most of them are in her book. I just wish her book would have been published before she passed but that was not to be. Maybe someone out there can still help get her book get published?  I remember when Bev and I found our native way of life. We both got regalia, and we danced until we could not anymore. Mike her son made our regalia for both of us. I can still see Bev dancing in her regalia so beautiful and elegant, and I always will see her dancing and being so proud to be a Dakota woman. I will see her at our pow wow every year, because I know she will be there. As I always say I’m so proud to be a Dakota woman too. Who would think I would lose my two older sisters in a short time from each other, this is just too hard so very hard. I could go on and on and on about Beverly but I won’t now. Good bye Beverly I know your spirit is still here for 4 days I know you can hear me when I say I will miss you and love you your little sister Sharon. Please say hi to mother, grandma Lilly, I always wanted to know Lilly but she passed before I was born, grandfather, Bob, Morrie, Al, dad, even Little Crow just say hi to everyone tell them I love them all. Until we meet again, maybe someday you will come with mother to come get me when the creator comes for me.

Love Sharon your little sister!!