From:                                   Dan Reisdorfer []

Sent:                                    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:56 AM

To:                                        Jim Green Dakota/Lakota language; Mike Richey; Sharon GoodThunderWoman

Subject:                                My book "Basically, It's A Happiness Handbook" is being self published-see web link


Hi All:

I am self publishing a book I recently co-authored. It's an inspirational, motivational, self-help book and I'd really appreciate your support, your interest and your assistance in spreading the news to everyone you know, asking them, and you too, to please check my web page out.  I and the book have gone through a long process to get to this point and I'm very happy with the result and I hope you will be also. 

I'm currently using the web page located at the following link:     (If it is not an active web link for you, just highlight, copy and paste it into your web browser address bar (the long white bar near the top of the browser, where the web address for every web page that you view is shown.)


Thanks for your help in asking your neighbors, friends, relatives and co-workers to give it a look and some thought.  If you want/choose to use this email to pass the message along to the people you know, please use the following process:
Highlight the text in the main body section and then copy it (press the Ctrl and then the C key); then open (or already have open) a brand new email and click your mouse on the main body section of the new email, hit the Enter key twice; then paste it into the new email (press the Ctrl and then the V key).  Then go back to the top and put in your salutation and introduction starting at the first line. 
Please don't forget at least a short Subject title, as virus' tend to use a blank Subject line and so people might delete your email (including me-but I will ask/email to see if you just forgot the Subject line first).
If you want/choose to use/copy & paste my Subject title (above), add the word "friend's" after the word "My", in the newly pasted Subject title.

I'd also love to get your feedback on the e-book itself and my self-marketing approach, at this early stage. 

Please use the "Contact" button near the top, right side of the web link page. 
If you have any questions or problems please let me know. 

Thanks and Take Care,

Dan Reisdorfer