Wacipi & Honeycrisp Full Moon Walk at Coldwater Springs – Tues, Sept 17, 2024
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Mon, Sep 2, 8:50?PM (13 hours ago) | |||
Wacipi & Honeycrisp Full Moon Walk at Sacred Coldwater Springs
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Gather at the park entrance, 7pm
Park on the Hwy 55 access road
The Mendota Dakota Powwow (wacipi, wa-chee-pee) begins with the colorful Grand Entry at 1 pm on Sat. & Sun. 9/14-15. It’s two days of dancing, drumming, fry bread, Indian tacos, people watching, Native food and craft vendors, the sweet smell of burning sage—cultural appreciation with descendants of the Indigenous people of this land where we now live.
A wacipi is a social gathering, it’s medicine for your spirit. It is also a peek into Dakota culture. Powwow etiquette is ”let respect be your guide” however you should bring your own lawn chair and shade hat, dress modestly and listen to the emcee for special instructions, for example if it is an all nations dance for everyone or when people are asked to stand quietly in respect. Info: www.mendotadakota.com
Two days after the powwow we celebrate our monthly full moon walk. It is Honeycrisp apple time with those large-celled juicy apples developed at the University of Minnesota that earned the “U” $10-million. Coldwater’s deer population love apples (hint).
Friends of Coldwater are grateful that this ancient spring still flows although down from 144,000 gallons per day before the Highway 55 reroute in the 1990s to about 66,000 gpd. Water is what climate change is all about: floods, droughts, warming oceans and extreme weather that makes the daily news.
Coldwater is an acknowledged Dakota sacred site. Friends of Coldwater seek to honor our 11,000-year-old landscape and the people whose dust we stand upon. So we return and return to remember the spirits that feed this Indigenous sacred place.
Full moon walks have been celebrated at Coldwater Springs each month since 2000. Traditional group howl when the moon peeks out.
Sunset 7:18 pm (27-minutes earlier than last full moon)
Moonrise 7:18 pm (37-minutes earlier than last month)
12-hours, 24-minutes of daylight
Moment of the full moon: 9:34 pm
Raindrops take 8 minutes traveling at 14.5 mph to reach Earth from 10,000 feet.
DIRECTIONS: Coldwater Springs is between Minnehaha Park & Fort Snelling, in Minneapolis, just north of the Hwy 55/62 interchange. From Hwy 55/Hiawatha, turn East (toward the Mississippi) at 54th Street, take an immediate right, & drive all the way down the frontage road where you can park at the pay meters.
Gather at the cul-de-sac, which is the Coldwater Park entrance.
#FullMoonWalk #FullMoon #ColdwaterSprings #MinneapolisNature